Category: Spiritual

Spiritual Life


Nothing will fundamentally change…

Posted on Wednesday March 17, 2021   |   By

… if we don’t change and consciously engage in the process of awakening. (more…)

Faith, Hope and Love

Posted on Sunday March 7, 2021   |   By

Silence is the indispensable climate for all revelation; noise renders it absolutely impossible. (more…)

Make Use of Non-existence

Posted on Sunday March 7, 2021   |   By

Tao Te Ching, which is the major source of Taoism, was composed no earlier than the 6th and no later than the 4th century BC. According to legend, its writer was Lao Tzu, a high official of the Chinese empire, who left his work and his country in dismay, fed up with the charade of government. He is said to have departed riding on a water buffalo. A border guard, impressed by his wisdom, pleaded him to write down his thoughts before leaving China. So he did. Then he crossed the border, never to be seen again. (more…)

The Foundation of Morality

Posted on Friday March 5, 2021   |   By

This is an excerpt from a lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Berlin on November 5, 1912 titled Between Death and Rebirth. The most endearing of Steiner’s lectures (to this individual anyway) are those where he speaks of Spiritual knowledge and practice where it applies to human relationships i.e. loving one another. (more…)