Category: Spiritual

Spiritual Life


Cognosce te Ipsum

Posted on Wednesday December 29, 2021   |   By

Absolute truth does not exist for the worldly, sensual person; it exists only for the inward seeking spiritual individual who possesses a suitable sensorium; (more…)

An iactatus est alea?

Posted on Sunday December 19, 2021   |   By

Has the die been cast? Have we reached the point of no return. It seems we are now destined to cross the Rubicon and enter into civil war… or worse. Alea iacta est. (more…)

Send it Back From Whence it Came

Posted on Thursday December 16, 2021   |   By

The Lord of the Rings – quite a movie franchise, eh? (more…)

The Angels Weep

Posted on Thursday December 16, 2021   |   By
