Behind the Scenes
It seems in our world today of mass hysteria over a falsified entity that threatens to – and actually has – taken down our way of life, I find that the question could be, or should be, asked – “How have they accomplished this?” There is an answer. Perhaps many because the attack on humanity is many-faceted. Below is a quote from a short lecture series by Rudolf Steiner. I hope it prompts you to click the source link and read the entire two part series.
The age of materialism is striving, through the work of certain circles, to paralyse, to eliminate all spiritual development in mankind, to bring human beings to a point where simply by temperament and character they reject everything that is spiritual and regard it as folly.
This trend — and it is already perceptible in some individuals today — will intensify. People will actually long for the time when the Spiritual is universally deemed to be insanity, craziness! Attempts will be made to achieve this end by inoculations; just as viruses have been discovered as means of protection against illnesses, so certain inoculations will be used to influence the human body in such a way that it provides no place for the spiritual proclivities of the soul. Human beings will be immunised against any predisposition for spiritual ideas … such, at least, will be the endeavour. They will try by inoculation to bring it about that even in childhood, human beings lose the urge towards the spiritual life.
Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 178 – Behind the scenes: Lecture 1 – Zurich, November 6, 1917
There is a storm on the horizon of our future. Many will perish Spiritually. Many will fall away. Few will survive to continue the evolution “upward” of humanity. Which group are you in?