Behind it All
More and more there are striking and forcefully destructive powers, threatening nature [and humanity] on a huge scale. After all, nature is part of the apocalyptic battle, as we can read in the Revelation to St. John. One of the characteristics of the counterforces is that they do everything in their power to intimidate the human being. These powers want to create the impression that they have us in their grip, and that all our efforts are in vain, but spiritual reality is different. Christ says of the opposing might: “the ruler of this world is judged.” (John 16:11). Every day we can get the impression from the media, that this seemingly unequal battle is being won by the destructive forces. Hence the feelings of “we are doomed” and “after us, the deluge.” In reality the positive forces by their very nature do not boast or shout from the rooftops, as the counterforces tend to do.
from the book Lord of the Elements by Bastiaan Baan, Chapter 13
This truth puts a deeper, stronger meaning behind the saying, “God has this.”