Author: Anthony

Retired Software Engineer, author, Anthroposophist.

On the Bow of a Sinking Ship

Posted on Wednesday January 12, 2022   |   By

…called “Humanity” (more…)

You Dare to Awaken?

Posted on Wednesday January 12, 2022   |   By


Prophecy – A Time of Decision

Posted on Wednesday January 12, 2022   |   By

This is a re-post from Spiritual Science is Practical. It was shared on that site on March 7, 2020. The “prophecy” was “given” in 1999 by “the Brothers.” I am not inclined to go into just who the “Brothers” are. Personally I have only an inkling of their identity. But, as you will see, it matters little. (more…)

Become as Children

Posted on Monday January 10, 2022   |   By
