Abstract RealitiesPosted on 08/10/2023  |  By

The modern world is composed almost entirely of abstractions…

Abstraction: absence of mind; (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

I look around me and see people enveloped in either abstract realities of their own making or those of others. There is little true reality that is observable in the objective world. Examples are abundant by which to illustrate. Here are only a few:

Race relations: The color of an individual’s skin has NEVER before in history categorized by default that individual as lower in stature, intelligence or potential until the beginning of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people by the Portuguese in the late 15th century which became big business after that. Such slaves were identified by the color of their skin, but by no means was this the beginning of slavery i.e. the enslavement of one group or individual by another. The color of one’s skin simply indicates their ancestral geographic origin. Today skin color, as an abstraction, is being used by people, namely governments, to create division in an effort to control populations.

Gender dysphoria: There are only TWO genders. The endless debates overcrowding the stage of mass media (both pro and con) are 100% abstraction from true reality. This abstraction of gender identity based on the self-imagined preference of the individual has, again, been fabricated by those who wish to “divide and  conquer.”

Wealth: Not meaning to ignore the plight of those who struggle to survive in this devolved modern world; the focus on material wealth and its pursuit is perhaps the most heinous abstractions that has plagued humanity from time immemorial. The saying “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer” has never been more accurate in its depiction of the effect of this abstraction (in the form of an obsession with material wealth). How to the rich get richer? They abstract away from earning taxable income by borrowing against their wealth and pay negligent interest rates far lower than the tax rate. How do the poor get poorer? By the sheer mismanagement of society and economics by those same wealthy people (in the form of ‘created’ recession cycles).

The above may appear to be separate and distinct issues, however they are quite related.

What is it that has caused this penchant for a life of abstraction? The (whole) answer is complex, however it can be boiled down to something a bit easier to digest. Humanity has become convinced – through a series of brilliant long cons – that this physical world is the ONLY reality.  Where once humanity was endowed with the common ability to recognize the spiritual origins of itself – even as it went from day to day with its menial tasks – and its meaningful presence in daily life, that reality was slowly ripped from human consciousness.

In the ninth century the Eighth Ecumenical Council made it anathema to even speak of the human being having a spirit, its true nature of that of a spiritual being.

The reality is the human being is composed of body, soul and spirit. Removing the spirit from human consciousness was the first step in adhering humanity to a belief that “this is it.” Next in line to be removed is the reality of the soul, which is in full swing in our age. How that is being accomplished is beyond the scope of this post.

Many who might read this post (and I calculate that number as being quite small since I exist in a vacuum) will think all of this poppycock. To think that is simply yet another testament to the truth of what I speak. Mindless adherence to some external “authority” is your downfall. You show your fear and weakness because you no longer (if you ever really have) think for yourself.

How does one “confirm” the reality of a Spiritual World, of the human being as a spiritual being? Many religious people might claim that this is the foundation of faith – to not see and yet believe. While that might have merit and be accurate, it is misleading and does not approach any degree of satisfaction to the sincere, seeking mind. There are a growing number of persons that believe they are the opposite gender of what they were born with. That does not make it a reality.

One might ask how I know what I profess to know. I sought for most of my life for the truth, for reality. I overturned many a stone of wasted time and ultimately in some cases regret. What I came to realize was that I was going about it incorrectly. One does not physically go out and venture to find reality. Reality – true, solid, unbreakable reality must come to you. However, you must first be sincere. You must be honest within yourself and determine if that is really what you seek and not just some envisioned fairytale life you would rather experience. As a sort of warning I will say this: If indeed you begin to earnestly “seek” the true reality, it will, in time, “find” you. But be ready – I can almost guarantee that it will not be what you expect. It will overturn everything you thought was real. It will reveal the abstract illusion you have based your entire life up to that point on. But this truth, this reality, will indeed set you free.

If we do not begin to regain our spiritual heritage we will lose what is left of ourselves and find that the only thing the future holds for humanity is the abyss of our own karma.