A View from Above
Lucifer wanted us to never become “solidified” into these bodies in order to gain the experience of living in a 100% sensory environment, separated from our clairvoyant connection to the Spiritual – because “back then” we had no mind of our own, we were dependent on clairvoyant guidance in our everyday lives. But God’s Plan, His Creation is all about – has always been about – Humanity, about Humanity evolving, rising to the Tenth Hierarchy. Lucifer does not want this. So Lucifer “turned Man on” to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, resulting in our Fall into these hardened bodies. But Lucifer did exactly what God wanted him to do, only Lucifer changed the timeline of (planned) events – then God compensated for that. Without our “fall from Grace,” we would never reach God’s goal – the Tenth Hierarchy. We needed to “fall” in order to develop – sensory experience, then intellect. We are now in the Age of the Consciousness Soul i.e. now on our way “back” to God. Life travels on a parabola. At the apex (bottom) of the parabola is the Event on Golgotha, where the Christ Impulse was awarded Mankind – the gift we require to now travel back “up” the right arm of the parabola, back to God, to our True Spiritual Selves. So, though Lucifer is still an active adversary, he failed. Now we have Ahriman.
Ahriman would have us never make it back up the parabola. He wants us to calcify, solidify, harden to the Earth so that, when the Earth’s current evolutionary cycle ends and it moves into its Jupiter stage, what is left behind, its remnants, its “dross and waste,” is where Ahriman would have Humanity remain – and he our god. (When a living entity, and the Earth is a living entity every bit as much as you and I, evolves to a higher “stage,” there is always a remnant left behind).
Lucifer duped Humanity into eating from the Sacred Tree. And we call that “evil.” Ahriman has Mankind convinced that the physical realm is all that exists and that Religion (True Religion – being James 1:27 – “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”) is fantasy, a lie – OR – he has the church leading its congregation as lemmings to the cliff, a false religion of any denomination or “faith.” And we call this “good.”
Good and evil are neither. They are simply polar opposites of the same thing – either a yearning for God or a disdain for God. I learned early on in childhood – by my “own accord” – that without “evil” “good” cannot exist, for there would be nothing by which to measure it. Good and evil are labels, weak and powerless words, to describe the War in Heaven that rages both “above” and “below.”
Humanity has “made it” to our first guide post – that of the Mystery of Golgotha. Against all seemingly impossible odds Humanity, has achieved this – but ONLY because this is God’s intent and His dominions fight for us. The key, the deciding factor, is the exercise of our Free Will. Every moment of every day every single Human Being either chooses God or “not God.” This is the ONLY factor that will turn the tide of the tyranny that is upon us or will destroy us. The reality is, however, God will not fail. He will have Humanity reach His goal. The only thing left to wonder is what portion of Humanity will arrive. Ultimately this is what the War of All Against All is about. But there is a long road of pain ahead before we get there.
And for that reason, politics is 100% of Ahriman – both sides, every side. And, therefore, any gov, any administration, is, has been, Ahriman’s tool to harden Humanity to the Earth. The only leaders that have ever made a positive influence for “good” were murdered. All the rest, who have had their “15 minutes” are of Ahriman. Always have been. You can discern from this fact that it is useless to have an staunch, judgmental, opinion of a political party, or any authority borne therein. Governments have always been controlled by Ahriman, always. The catholic church – and the eastern orthodox church as well – claim the prez was put there by God. Bullocks. Unless Ahriman is your god, this is a lie that the people are taught and that which they believe because their ability to think – at all – has been thrown away in the interest of sensual stimulation, materialism, Ahriman.
These matters, i.e. politics and the current evil that is prevailing in our time, is meant to destroy our relationships – united we stand, divided we shall fall. It is simply useless to discuss what politician is good or bad. We need to rise above what we see before us and strive to understand what is really going on. All the world is indeed a stage. The physical realm is maya – illusion, though all important because it is God’s Creation – and we are living in an illusion, a movie, wrought within an illusion. There are so many layers to this onion it takes a serious inward assessment to break free from its bonds. My wife and I sensed it years ago, and, though we did not understand the “big picture” at the time, we divorced ourselves from “public tell-a-vision.” This was the beginning of that long, hard look inside, ultimately leading to where I am now. Please be careful about what you believe to be true i.e. what the “news” (an acronym for North East West South – and its “programming”) tells you. It is all 100% propaganda, scripted and staged for the control of your thoughts. Orchestrated by Ahriman and implemented by his minions. The Truth, all Truth, of any event, subject, matter, is within you. Physical evidence is neither required nor to be trusted. Remember – this is an onion of illusion. Within that onion is the layer we call “me.” We create our own layer of what is presented on stage, we create the player we will be – this is the unbreakable Law of the Universe – our Free Will.
This is why any discussion of politics is dangerous. Because it means nothing, it is useless and fruitless. There is no right or wrong in politics regarding what is good for Humanity – only wrong. The quote, “We are all alone and no one is coming to save us,” is inaccurate in its native interpretation, its “boots on the ground” interpretation. It is accurate to say no Human Being is coming to save us. Well, not entirely true. The One coming to save us already has. But we have caged Him. We are indeed alone, each one of us. It is “my” journey, “your” journey, “my” Path, “your” Path. I can help you, you can help me, along the way, but, ultimately it is up to us individually, alone. I can show you the veil, but you must lift it, you must “see” what is there – for you, your Path. Before we can see, however, we need (Spiritual) eyesight, and the organ of that eyesight is not in our head, but buried in our “hearts.” Look inward. Release the power of your own Soul, the Real You. Face the Dweller on the Threshold, which is your own self. But be ready, be honest, be sincere, for the Dweller is terrifying to those not prepared in mind and heart. Mere curiosity will destroy you. The prerequisite is humility before God, before the Real Reality.