The Great MergingPosted on 07/26/2024  |  By

There is coming a time, indeed that time has arrived, when the spiritual sphere of the heavens will permeate the physical world of Earth.

One can recognize the event as having begun by the feeling in so many people that something approaches us from on the horizon, but they know not from where it comes or of what it brings.

The event horizon of a black hole

However, those who are being enlightened by Spiritual Science understand that this is the return of (the) Christ – beginning in our time. This is not the “return” of a single individuality or Being, but rather the entire sphere of the Astral realm penetrating, becoming One with, “our” realm.

As this process progresses, a second and then a third (higher) spiritual sphere (or realm) will reveal itself to a sleeping humanity.

As these higher spiritual spheres * are revealed, that part of humanity that is earthbound (chained to the view of the material/physical realm as the Alpha & Omega of existence) and without love (the love that IS God – not one of the many abberations that humanity has constructed from within its own egoism) will experience this event with a level of terror never before known or experienced in human history; a terror not as though delivered forth by the spiritual realms (i.e. God) but rather as the result of a keen lack of (any) knowledge of the reality of the spiritual [e.g. we are spiritual beings on a human journey]. The event will be completely foreign to these individuals. — We fear most that which we do not understand.

This is the “wrath” of God – not thrown down like lightning bolts from Zeus, for God knows no anger. Such “wrath” is simply brought to bear upon humanity through ignorance.

The man of hate is stung most painfully by the expression of Love that envelops him.

* The higher worlds resolve time into space i.e. the earthly into the spiritual.