Where Freedom HidesPosted on 07/20/2024  |  By

Must one believe in Christ to become free? No. It is not a belief in Christ that sets one free from the bondage of materialism and the maya that obscures the key to real freedom. It is the Truth that sets one free. But one must not seek the Truth outside oneself, for there one will only find more illusion, lies and maya. The Truth lives deep inside one’s being: Isolated and protected from everything that is external from it. Because of this, once found, it cannot ever be taken away except by one’s own choice. Once found, the Truth reveals Itself, becomes self evident and self-enlightening; It proves itself not with external proofs of the senses, but rather by something that has its origins, its being, that is not of this world and yet rises up from within.

Desperately seek within for this Truth. Do so and then – and only then – will you come to know the real Christ. And only by knowing this Christ – the Light of the Sun, Who gives freely of Himself to all of His creation – can one become fully realized as a (true) Human being. Then you will discover the freedom you seek.