Where and When – NowPosted on 06/08/2022  |  By

Modern science looks at the human being the way a person who is unable to read looks at a page of the Bible i.e. as a sheet of characters that can be described as being grouped in certain ways, each character possessing its own characteristics of straight lines, curved lines and swirls. They can describe the color of the ink and all the rest they might be able to surmise from merely looking at characters on a page. But they are unable to read the meaning behind the words. They are unable to surmise what the form itself is striving to convey toward a better understanding of the mere appearance of letters on a page.

To truly understand the human being, one must strive to understand the spiritual origins behind the human being, the Spiritual Truths written, as it were, into this amazing feat of the gods of form and function, of the Angelic Hierarchies that have us as their greatest achievement, the thought of a Loving God made manifest in the maya of the material plane. If we do not begin our understanding of who we are – where we come from, where we are going, and what we need to live our life – by first understanding the Spiritual behind the material, then we are of all created, living things, to be most pitied. If we do not begin to turn our view of the world around toward the Spiritual, then we will never escape the life of pain that the Buddha described. If we do not learn to love one another as the Christ commanded us – love one another as He loves us – then we are left to our own, lowly, material drives and passions which will inevitably destroy us.

Where, then, do we begin? We have been told that the Kingdom of God is within each of us. Christ told Pilate that His Kingdom is not of this world. If not of this world, then of which world is His Kingdom? And if what lies hidden within us is not of this world, then from where comes this Kingdom? And if God’s Kingdom, in all its power, glory and wonder is within each one of us, then I ask again – where do we begin? Where do we find the meaning of who and what we (really) are? Is it in a view from the outside? Or might we best begin looking for the answers within? If nothing else, you are a free Being. You have a choice where to look for the answers to life’s riddles. But one thing you must do – you must choose. To choose not to choose is still a choice made – to do so is a giving away of the free will with which you have been endowed.