Mantra for HumanityPosted on 07/27/2021  |  By

We all need to pray this mantra everyday… until the evil has been abated…

Evil cannot be eliminated from life. However, we can transform the evil into good.

Lord, help me, and help humanity, turn doubt, fear and hate into Divine Faith, Hope and Love.

  • Faith that the Spiritual Realm, the Angels are real, all around us and desire to help us – for it is their task to do so.
  • Hope that Humanity will return to its Spiritual roots through the transformation of our thoughts, feeling and will toward the supersensible worlds.
  • Love as the foundation upon which we build the future – Divine Love through moral purity of our hearts and minds.

This is Spiritual Alchemy. This is the only thing that will Free Humanity from the bonds of materialism and the negative forces that plague us. And in the process, we can heal those negative forces and build the future we are meant to have.

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