How Does the Future Look to You?Posted on 07/26/2021  |  By

The main source of this post is provided at its end. The source material is heavily dependent on an understanding of Spiritual Science. I have tried to “adjust” certain terms and ideas in the hope of presenting this subject in a more universally palpable way and have added comments according to my own, independent, understanding of this material.

Earthquakes, War, Famine, Catastrophes, Terror, Epidemics, Struggles and Dissention, Political and Economic and Cultural Upheaval. These are the “fall out” of the materialistic thinking that preceded our time.

And now the following in our day:

In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a v@ccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.

To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are v@ccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be v@ccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this v@ccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.

He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a v@ccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.

So, the v@ccine becomes a kind of ahrimanic force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double. Seven Lectures Given in St Gallen, Zurich and Dornach, 6.-25. November 1917

[Becoming and] staying awake and alert means we must become men and women of our time. We must become fully conscious of all that goes on around us so that we can either act or make decisions about what we see around us consciously. At the same time what we experience in the world today, has the effect of eroding our consciousness and our initiative – our ability to make decisions.

…the foremost obstacles in our path today are Materialism and Intellectualism.

Intellectualism is characterized by everything that we find in the media, in the 24 hour news cycle, in opinion polls, on the internet, in the purely material view of history, and the elaboration [and twisting] of language based on physical facts [and lies].

Materialism is what is taught to us at school and later in Universities. It lives in a purely materialistic view of the world and the human being.

Both materialism and intellectualism are an aberration of the [true Spirit within us], guided by the Spiritual Beings that are tasked to help us.

The overwhelming negative atmosphere of materialism and (wrongly guided) intellectualism have driven humanity into a realm where Faith, Hope, and Love have been replaced by doubt, fear and hate. This negative atmosphere is the very air we breathe today and is that which we must overcome.

Our fear of the Spirit comes from the abolition of the Spirit by the ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 869AD. Before that human beings could lawfully speak of the Human Being consisting of Body, Soul and Spirit. The Human Being could experience the Spirit in the world and in their Souls without fearing judgment. The Council of 869 AD was a reflection of the gradual separation of humanity from the Spirit. Those who still spoke of having access to the Spirit after this time became known as heretics – and were most often tortured and murdered for their “Knowing.” This brings us to around the middle of the 13th Century when the period of darkness – a complete estrangement from the Spirit occurred. And today, they are working to destroy the Soul.

This estrangement from Knowledge of the Spirit can be coincided with the opening of the abyss of forces that have been working against the Spiritual Human for eons. They war against the Soul and Spirit of Humanity. We must rediscover the Soul and Spirit, become conscious of the Soul and Spirit, and to begin once again to yearn for our Higher Self. The over-mechanization of our world has closed us off from the Spiritual Realms and has opened the door to these malevolent forces that prey upon us – more so today than ever before in Human history, replacing the Sun’s warm Light with artificial electric light, replacing morally pure Human thought with artificial parroting of computers and cyber space instead of the Music of the Spheres in the Heavenly realms that once brought harmony to mankind.

“So we stand to-day at the infinitely important juncture in human evolution where, on the one hand, the spiritual world is willing to reveal itself with great power, while, on the other, man must find the strength to free himself from his greatest entanglement in what is material and come to a new reception of spiritual revelations.”

~Rudolf Steiner, Some Characteristics of Today GA 193, A Lecture by Dr. Rudolf Steiner Heidenheim, June 12th, 1919

The more we become conscious of what we experience in the world (this means both Spiritual and physical) the more we can take consciously into our sleep – where each night we separate from our physical body and hover in the Spiritual Realms, the more we will realize that in the morning important impulses meet us from the night. Impulses that will help us with our actions and our decisions. We learn to read the Cosmic Script, what the Spiritual world has written on our Souls, impressed on our Souls in the night – in the same way that the world impresses our Souls in the day.

What occurred in the past – when we also lived – now influences the present.

We see that if we are experiencing weather events, global warming for instance, it is the result of the materialistic thinking that created the spectre of Communism. If we experience Earthquakes, we know this comes from materialistic actions in war. If we experience epidemics today we can hark back to a time when human feelings, feelings of fear and terror were experienced by human beings. We are never separate in our individual lives from that which we experience in Nature. Just as the cells in our bodies are a microcosmic reflection of the universe, so too are we intimately related and connected to the Earth. Just as we are affected by events in Nature, so too is Nature – the Earth – affected by Humanity.

Materialistic thinking – causes future Weather Events.
Feelings of fear – cause future Epidemics
Violent Actions – cause future Earthquakes

This is so because the impressions that live in our thinking feeling and will, those which have been gained through materialism and intellectualism become “detached” from us at night and develop an independent life – Rudolf Steiner calls what is detached from the physical body a Phantom or Spectre, what is detached from the Etheric body a Ghost, what is detached from the Astral body* a Demon – these arise from the Soul’s experience of its environment – be it an experience of immorality, beit due to political and social conditions, or religious aberrations. Our fear of ghosts in the 19th century, for instance, is now recapitulated in our fear of germs, our fear, our terror today, will one day become the germs and diseases of the future. This kind of thinking brings with it a new sense of responsibility for what we are creating with our thoughts feelings and in our will for the future, when we shall also be incarnated – it shows us the fore-shadowings of what we will find when we return, but it also inspires in us the actions that we can initiate in the present, in concert with the progressive beings of higher worlds, to counteract the intentions of evil

*See my post “Life and Death” under the section titled “The Fourfold Human Being.”

The struggles of life are imposed on humanity for its own good; They are the diseases, plagues, and catastrophes that must be experienced by those who would not wake up any other way, and who would never otherwise be capable of finding their own inner initiative and a consciousness of the Spirit.

If one wishes to know the truth about events in the world today, if one wishes to understand what are the aims of certain political factions, or anything at all, one can consult the Spiritual world [in Faith, Hope, and Love] and wait for an answer. Such answers, honestly sought with a humble heart, come from within, a sense of “Knowing.” “You will Know the Truth and it will set you Free.” But first one must return to his or her Spiritual beginnings.

Thus do we make the first Initiatory steps towards a holistic view of life – a view that sees material and Spiritual as complementary aspects of the same truth.

“The time has come when man must receive the light of the spirit through a free, inner deed. All the confusion and want of clarity in which men are living to-day come from the fact that men must receive something that they do not yet want to receive: an entirely new understanding of things.”

-Rudolf Steiner

If we do not strive to overcome the “programming” of our lives by those who seek to inevitably seek to destroy us as “useless eaters,” if we do not force the decision by our Free Will to face down these forces, to recognize them for what they are and to replace our doubts, fears, and hatreds of each other and of our True Selves – our Higher Spiritual Self – with Faith, Hope, and Love, then we are, of all generations, one to be most pitied.

A simple decision to live the Spiritual life above the material. A simple decision to recognize the God Whose Kingdom exists within. A simple decision to say “no” to our captors and to take back our Freedom to exercise Faith, Hope and Love instead of the doubt, fear and hate to which we have become addicted.

Primary source for this post: A Time of Decision – A Lecture given by Adriana Koulias at Sussex Street, Sydney, June 7th 2016

Found on Miss Koulias’ website:

I’m going to add the following for emphasis to the seriousness of this subject. On the one hand, the above is the ONLY way we are going to TRULY defeat this global adversary, but there is also the material side, the “boots on the ground” side of this issue. The following is the last paragraph from a post on the Anthropopper Blog, Freefall Into Tyranny. I encourage you to read the entire post… I don’t always agree with Mr. Smith, but this time around he and I agree…

What we are currently experiencing with this artificially contrived corona crisis is a new way of imposing a totalitarian system, a standardised and uniform world governance, under the guise of health provision. We are all being played. The UK and other governments are clearly using threats of various kinds to test out, first on groups of particularly vulnerable workers such as care home staff, just how far they can go with other groups in terms of totalitarian rule. It won’t stop with care workers and it won’t be confined to Covid-19 vaccines. Once governments are able to impose mandatory vaccinations on whole populations, our lives and our bodies will never again be our own.

Will we accept it? You are all next on the list.

My 2 cents from this perspective? What is it worth to lose your own Soul? Your job? Your ballgames? Your grocery? We are on the cusp of a new age – an age of slavery like the world has never seen, or an age of true brotherhood of Mankind. This is the choice we are making by our actions or inaction. It is time we stop the debate for there is no debate. The truth is known. If you know someone who has much to lose by standing firm against this wicked global regime, lend them your heart, support them in their self-risk. We either stand together on this, or we all lose.