Month: July 2021

God is not

Posted on Friday July 23, 2021   |   By

…a one day a week, 2 hour experience; An “only on HOLYday” excursion into your life… (more…)

Elucidation of the Lord’s Prayer

Posted on Thursday July 22, 2021   |   By

It is good practice to choose a time at which, each day, we recite the Lord’s Prayer. However, it is important that we understand the breadth and depth of what we pray. This prayer was given to us by Christ Himself as how we should pray. It would be a shame to ignore such a gift.


Picking Fruit 3

Posted on Sunday July 18, 2021   |   By

Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge (more…)

Gospel of Thomas 3

Posted on Sunday July 18, 2021   |   By

The Gospel of Thomas, 3
Nag Hammadi Codex II.
Discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945.
No. 1—Vol. I. Between AD, 60 and AD 140 (more…)