Month: March 2021

Death and Rebirth – Shadow Work

Posted on Thursday March 18, 2021   |   By

This is a repost of a repost from the Blue Dragon Journal website. Personally, except for those things that bring me inner peace and provide cathartic moments in my day, I will most likely refrain from trying to explain things in the future. I have been finding posts etc. from others far more qualified than I and who say things in a much more precise manner than I. It is their words, like these below, that I will share here on my blog going forward. (more…)

Nothing will fundamentally change…

Posted on Wednesday March 17, 2021   |   By

… if we don’t change and consciously engage in the process of awakening. (more…)


Posted on Tuesday March 9, 2021   |   By

When I attended Liturgy “back in the day”, I went to confession every Sunday before Liturgy began, thus becoming absolved of the sin(s) I committed the previous week and now “worthy” of taking the sacrament of Holy Communion, often called the Eucharist (thanksgiving in Greek). (more…)

Faith, Hope and Love

Posted on Sunday March 7, 2021   |   By

Silence is the indispensable climate for all revelation; noise renders it absolutely impossible. (more…)