Month: February 2021


Posted on Wednesday February 17, 2021   |   By

Johnny Cash – Hurt (Official Music Video) (more…)

1917 Vaccine Warning

Posted on Wednesday February 17, 2021   |   By

In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine that Would “Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls”

Reprint from Waking Times, May 27, 2020 by Dylan Charles, Editor

If you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war right now, you’re not alone. (more…)

The Pineal Gland

Posted on Wednesday February 17, 2021   |   By

The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the middle of the brain. It’s the organ of supreme universal connection and its significance appears in every culture throughout the world. Scientists refer to the pineal gland as the atrophied third eye. It, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy center, but are more dormant than atrophied. According to Max Heindel, in the distant past, man was in touch with the inner worlds through an activated pineal and pituitary gland. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the third eye has always been important in initiating psychic powers (e.g. clairvoyance and seeing auras. (more…)

The Corporation is Bankrupt

Posted on Wednesday February 17, 2021   |   By

It has been my observation that few people (myself included until recently) understand exactly what kind of government has been in charge of the United States of America, well, for our entire lives and quite a while before. We have been under the illusion that we have had a “democratic” republic where “the people” vote in our leaders – those men and women in whom we place our trust to “manage the country” while we sit back and enjoy the fruits of our – and their – labor. Nothing could be farther from the truth. (more…)