Two distinct family trees *Both are paternal bloodlines |
The conclusion here is that the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke each speak of a different child named Jesus. Below the divergent paths are highlighted. Later it will be shown how the two paths unite. |
To whom was the coming child announced and to who was told what to name the child |
Where Joseph and Mary Traveled from for the Census |
Place of Jesus' Birth |
To whom the birth of the child was announced |
Circumstances Surrounding Jesus' Birth
In time, both families reside in the same locality, i.e. Nazareth ( 'Jesus of Nazareth' in fulfillment of the O.T. prophecy ) |
Each child was endowed with particular qualities that had been passed down to them via specific impulses that |
The "composition" of each child |
The death of the Solomon Joseph |
Together with many other pilgrims, the two families — the widowed Mary and her son, traveling together with the Each boy had reached a crucial point in his development of purpose. Here they experience all the forces that had drawn them together, to one another. |
Age of each boy at the time of this journey for Passover |
Thirteen, perhaps Fourteen | Twelve years old |
What Happened in the Temple at that time |
What occurred as a result of this transferring of individuality |
What circumstances befell the two families after the death of the Solomon-Jesus boy? |
(Pg. 180-181) |
What occurred prior to Jesus (at age 30) going to John the Baptist at the River Jordan? |
(Pg. 180-185) |
What Happened at the Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth
John not only announced the closely approaching coming of the Messiah in words; he brought about an actual precognition of what was spiritually about to happen to those who let themselves be baptized by him in the Jordan. Through the baptism in which all the ancient soul disciplines that aimed for ecstatic translation were concentrated, he evoked prophetic visions of the future principle of spiritual indwelling, an indwelling that would make its appearance through him who would come to baptize, in place of water, with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' inner being the profoundly significant transformation took place which prepared him to sacrifice himself to the approaching Christ-being as vessel and vehicle. The mature 'I' of humanity which had lived in him since his twelfth year began to loosen itself from the body and soul sheaths in a final will of surrender and sacrifice.
The moment had come when the divine Christ-entity was to make his entry into the bodily and soul sheaths of a human being. As nver before, the narrow confines of a terrestrial human body were to receive a superterrestrial content. And here, the mighty Grace of Providence was fulfilled in the Baptist's life: by carrying out the Baptism in the Jordan on Jesus of Nazareth, he was privileged to help in the incarnation, in a human being, of the lofty 'I' of God.
John's task in his life fulfilled, as he had said, "He must increase, I must decrease." John and Jesus had first met while still in the womb and, now, with the leaving of the Solomon-Jesus' individuality, replaced by the 'I' of God, so too had the time come for John to depart the earth.
* Raphael was an incarnation of John the Baptist
How Should We Then Respond?
This revelation, this Mystery held within the silence of apparent contradiction, should open up within our consciousness a sense of wonder and amazement at what it means to be a human being on this earth. It is herein revealed that 'Christianity' is not a new religion that usurps and invalidates all other valid religions, but contrarily it is the fulfillment of all Mystery traditions.
Christianity, in this (new) light, is not the dogma boxed in by the many expressions of the 'church' but rather is in actuality what it claims to be – the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This brings a better understanding of the reference to Christ Jesus as the 'King of Kings'. He is the Cosmic Christ, the infusion of the Creator God into the life of humanity in order to break us free of the bonds of materialism and the chains of a belief that 'this is it.'
In relating the childhood events of Mary, the apocryphal gospels deal with the story preceding the Christmas narration of Matthew. They survived into the Middle Ages in legendary form and represent a tradition that, with the unproblematic matter-of-factness, designates Bethlehem, not Nazareth, as Joseph's domicile. In the legend of 'our dear lady's annunciation,' the miracle of the staff is related, whereby the right husband was supposed to be discovered for Mary, the temple maiden. All the men have already passed by without the sign having appeared on their staffs. Then a divine voice speaks: 'There is one more who is called Joseph and dwells in Bethlehem.' In the legend of 'the birth of the blessed Virgin Mary,' it says afer the miracle of the staff has been fulfilled in Joseph's case: 'Thus, the engagement between them was solemnized. Then Joseph went back to his city of Bethlehem in order to set up his house and prepare what was required for the wedding.'
Page 33 -
...Parents from Bethlehem would mean that Jesus emerges from the specifically Jewish heritage and environment in which strictest attention was paid to maintaining the purity of the Jewish bloodline. By contrast if, according to Luke, the parents come from Nazareth, then, even though he was born in Bethlehem, Jesus' homeland is Galilee, the multinational region which, as the stage of the greatest variety of human destinies, possessed the strongest non-Jewish pagan infusions*.
Page 34* Galilee was composed of peoples from many different cultures and backgrounds and far from the strictness of Jewish Law, hence the question raised at one point, 'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?'
'Pagan infusions' is a reference to the ancient 'pagan' Mysteries, all of which pointed to the coming of the Christ (and which used different and varied titles for the Christ). Think of the fact that all primary belief (religious) systems refer to a time of a great flooding across the earth. Think of 'perennial philosophy' and its perspective on spirituality that views religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge originates i.e. the same Divine origin.
An important example of this, the root of which comes into play within the Solomon-Jesus, is a prophecy found in the Avesta, the collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism of ancient Persia:
The mighty, royal promise-bearing sun-ether aura,
Created by God, we revere it in our prayer;
It will pass to the most victorious of Saviours
And to the others, his apostles;
He who brings the world forward
And causes it to overcome old age and death, corruption and decay,
Who helps attain to eternal life, to eternal well-being, to free will;
When the dead rise again,
When the living vanquisher of death appears
And the world is brought forward through will.Page 64
This connection to Zarathustra reaches back to the Babylonian exile of the Israelites, concealed behind the figure of the initiate Jethro, a priest of Midian and Moses' father in law (Exodus 2:16) who taught Moses for 40 years before Moses' encounter with the burning bush. Incidentally, let's remember that Moses' was raised as a son of the Egyptian Pharaoh and therefore would have been taught in the school of Hermes (i.e. Hermetic truth – the Seven Hermetic Principles). These two impulses would be carried forth through time and become infused in the vessel of the Christ (Jesus). These are the inner paths of which the Messianic people embarked on their journey through the desert, inner paths on which they had to journey so as to be able one day to receive the Messiah.
It was prophesied that Zarathustra himself would incarnate as the human being in whom the incarnation of Christ was to take place, and in a mysterious way he would become both the content and object of Messianic prophecy.
And when the time had come, three lofty royal representatives of eastern, surviving Zarathustra wisdom — the New Testament calls them 'magi' — became aware through the position of the planets and stars that the age-old prophecy had been fulfilled.
The inner connection of the birth of Jesus with the wisdom stream of Zarathustra remained alive until the late Middle Ages and has often been expressed in words, especially by theologians of Syrian and Armenian Christendom.
Pages 69,70 -
The Four-fold Human Being
At this point in the discussion, some understanding of the 'composition' of the human being is required.
The Physical body. This is the physical form we share with minerals, plants and animals. It is this body that is perceptible to the "naked eye." The physical body is connected to the root chakra, which is linked with security, instinct and the element of earth.
The Etheric body completely permeates the physical, of which it may be regarded as a kind of architect - it is what holds the form of the physical body together. All the organs of the physical body are maintained in their form and structure by the currents and movements of the etheric body. Underlying the physical heart there is an etheric heart, underlying the physical brain an etheric brain, and so on. The etheric body is in effect a differentiated body like the physical, only far more complicated. And whereas in the physical body there are relatively separated parts, in the etheric all is in living interflow and movement. Man has the etheric body in common with the plant world, just as he has the physical body in common with the mineral. Everything that is alive has an etheric body. The etheric body can be linked to the sacral chakra, which, like water, symbolizes fluidity and nurturing.
The Astral body is the seat of our sensory perceptions. It is where our passions originate and exist. The astral body is where we experience pleasure and pain, feelings of hunger or of thirst. Feelings and emotions belong to the realm of the astral body. We share an astral body with the animal kingdom. The astral body has a characteristic movement of contraction, shrinking and closing down on the one hand, and expansion, relaxation and openness on the other - as in breathing. The astral body can be linked to the solar plexus chakra, which is related to emotions and will or purpose.
The 'I' or 'Ego' is what defines us as Human, distinct from all other life forms. It is the source of our self-consciousness. The ego or 'I' enters the Human organism from above and lives in the inner warmth of man. Our individual 'I' is what gives us direction and what determines the course of our life. It lives in warmth, in the element of fire. The 'I' is related to the heart chakra, which encompasses higher emotions such as love and compassion. It is where our Spirit lives - the divine aspect of the whole human being as an individual unity but which never reveals itself. The only way to gain access to our 'I' is by first understanding the three archetypal qualities of spirit: thinking, feeling and willing.
Nirmanakaya means "emanation body." This is the physical body that is born, walks the earth, and dies.
Source: The Childhood of Jesus, The Unknown Years, Emil Bock, 1939